Forums DADman DADman Control Software Automatic way to cal room?

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  • #2014
    Brandon HowlettBrandon Howlett

      Is there a way to run a cal program and simply import the data? I have seen videos of users using REW to cal and manually inputting the data. Can this be automated and is REW the best software for the job?


      Hi Brandon,

      Automatically I don’t’ think so, but Sonarworkd
      <h2 class=”text-xl text-primary max-w-xl”>SoundID Reference for Multichannel</h2>
      Have a way to export into SPQ. Check this out


      Marco Bernardo

      Brandon HowlettBrandon Howlett

        Hey Marco,

        Thanks for this. I know about this but I can’t import this data into DADman automatically, right? I have to manually enter it into DADman? Seems like an import script would be easy if I could get access to the settings in DADman somehow. i think the profiles are encrypted tho. I can’t open them with text edit. Any ideas?

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